Are you being stalked?


Are you being stalked?

If you are being stalked, you need to mind your step and know that you are not alone and can get help.
One of the most difficult aspects of being stalked is to identify what you are experiencing and to act accordingly. Many do not realise until late that their experiences have had an effect on their behaviour and may even have ruined a formerly well-functioning everyday life. Therefore, it is crucial that you take action.
It is important to know that incidents and behaviour seen as isolated can seem trivial and harmless, but seen in connection with each other over a period of just 14 days, they can have a big impact on your wellbeing.
Naturally, you do not have to be a victim of all methods of stalking to be able to define your experiences as stalking. Very few stalkers use all the methods listed to the right. New methods occur all the time, which is why it is impossible to make a complete list. This means that it is possible that you are being stalked even though what you experience does not appear on this list. If in doubt, please call one of our counsellors.
Sometimes stalking can be direct or indirect threats. Threats against family or friends, damaging of things or property, physical assaults or sexual assaults.
If you receive threats, have been assaulted or fear for your life, we advise you to call the police. Even if you know the stalker.


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You are being stalked if you experience one or several of the following methods:
  • Following and monitoring
  • Repeated, inappropriate and intrusive behaviour
  • The stalker turns up where you go regularly
  • Unwanted, recurrent phone calls, emails, letters, text messages, communication on Facebook, etc.
  • Unwanted gifts, flowers, chocolate, or scary ‘presents’, such as dead birds, rotten meat or dead flowers
  • Other people have been told to go see you and interrogate you
  • Things have been ordered in your name, such as taxis, ambulances, pizzas, etc.
  • Identity theft; opening of bank accounts, websites, contacts to public institutions in your name
  • False rumour-mongering about you being unfaithful, paedophile, guilty of social security fraud or an abuser



